Chatham Community Library Policies
The Chatham Community Library is a joint-use library between 推荐正规买球平台 and Chatham County on the Chatham Campus in Pittsboro. A full list of their policies can be found on their website.
Students are not to bring children to the campus while attending classes or other activities or using the library. Children should not be left unattended in cars while parents attend class or campus business.
Library Children Policy: If a parent brings a child under age 16 into the college library for a brief visit (i.e. to return or to check out books), the child must be accompanied at all times by the parent, and the parent must closely supervise the child to ensure that he/she does not disturb others. If the child is creating a disturbance, the parent will be asked to leave with the child. Bringing children into the college library for extended periods while doing research, writing a paper, or studying is not permitted.
Collection Development
Computer & Internet Use
Library computers are provided to conduct research and to communicate with others in support of the college’s educational mission. Students, faculty, staff, public patrons, and campus visitors are expected to use computer resources in an ethical, legal, and responsible manner. By logging onto library computers, users acknowledge that they are aware of and agree to the 推荐正规买球平台 Acceptable Use Policy. Any use of library computers that violates college policy, violates federal, state, or local laws, alters computer and/or network settings, promotes commercial activity, intends harm or distress to others, or is obscene or malicious in nature is prohibited. Computer access is a privilege, not a right. Violations may result in loss of access and/or disciplinary action.
Internet Acceptable Use Rules
The following are not permitted (per the Student Handbook):
- Sending or displaying obscene messages or pictures
- Using obscene language
- Harassing, insulting, or attacking others
- Damaging computers, computer systems, or computer networks
- Violating copyright laws
- Using others’ passwords
- Trespassing in others’ folders, work, or files
- Intentionally wasting limited resources
- Employing the network for commercial purposes
The college will comply with the copyright limitations set forth in federal legislation for protection of original works of authorship.
Please be courteous to your fellow students by turning cell phones to silent and taking conversations outside.
Smoking & Tobacco Use
Central Carolina Community College is a 100% tobacco free campus. The use of tobacco and tobacco products is prohibited by students, staff, faculty and visitors.
Study Room Use
Study rooms are available for use in viewing audiovisual materials, for group collaborative study, or for individual study. Study rooms may be reserved in advance through an online room reservation system or by contacting library staff. Students should sign in at the circulation desk to use the study rooms. Study carrels are also available for quiet individual study on a first come, first served basis. 推荐正规买球平台 students have first priority in using study rooms and carrels. Study rooms are not intended for use by classes.